Q: Can I request more than one mp3?
A: Yep, you sure can. Just as long as your email service can handle it.
Q: Can I post fanfiction from my site onto yours?
A: Yep! Send me a link to your fic and I'll have a place for it. Just remember to put pairing (if any),
rating (and for what), anime it's from, and a summary and how many chapters it is. Oh, and say if it's finished, too.
Can't forget that one.
Q: Did you make this layout?
A: Nope. This is from Tripod, so you can't have it. The pictures in the gallery, though, then by all
Q: Why do you have the links from the places you got the mp3s from?
A: Simple. There's going to be times when I can't do that duty of sending mp3s. There's a few sites
that do have them in good quality. Plus, I feel it's copyright infringement, anyway.
Q: Will you have anime reviews?
A: I don't know about that. It's highly opinionated, really, since someone can like one anime and hate the
next. It really depends on the taste of the viewer.